Flutter for Web Development: Pros, Cons, and Best Practices

Photo of Kacper Rafalski

Kacper Rafalski

Aug 12, 2024 • 21 min read
Essential Principles for Ecommerce Web UI Desig... hero

Is Flutter is a good fit for your web development?

This article dives into Flutter for the web, explaining its unified codebase, stunning UI widgets, and cost-effective development. You’ll also learn about its limitations and challenges, and we share best practices and real-world examples to help you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways

  • Flutter for Web allows unified development for mobile and web applications, significantly reducing time and costs while maintaining platform consistency.
  • Key benefits include enhanced user experience with customizable widgets and a cost-effective development process, making it suitable for rapid product iteration.
  • Challenges such as SEO limitations, browser compatibility, and performance issues need to be addressed to ensure effective Flutter Web app deployment.

Understanding Flutter for Web

Flutter is an open-source SDK that builds applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms using a shared codebase. Originally known for its prowess in mobile app development, Flutter has expanded its capabilities to the web, thanks in part to the Hummingbird project. This evolution allows developers to create impressive and complex UIs, enhancing business value.

Flutter stands out by acting as a companion framework for mobile applications, enabling developers to create web and desktop apps seamlessly. This flexibility allows building admin panels, demo applications, and more from the same codebase. Features like hot reload support streamline development, allowing instant code updates without restarting the Flutter app. Additionally, the flutter framework enhances the overall development experience.

MindInventory, backed by an experienced team of Flutter developers, is committed to Flutter web development, recognizing its potential to simplify web application creation and maintenance. Web developers looking to expand their toolkit will find Flutter a unified solution for mobile and web development, making it a compelling choice.

How Flutter Web Works?

Flutter Web offers two primary rendering options: HTML and WebGL, with CanvasKit enhancing graphical fidelity. Flutter Web’s rendering process mimics mobile apps for iOS and Android, ensuring platform consistency. This is achieved through a reimplemented engine that interacts with standard browser APIs instead of the underlying OS.

During development, Flutter uses dartdevc for incremental compilation, enabling the hot restart feature. For production builds, the dart2js compiler converts Dart code to highly optimized JavaScript, improving load times. Despite these efficiencies, Flutter web applications are generally less performant compared to pure HTML/JavaScript applications. Issues such as responsiveness problems and slower animations have been observed.

CanvasKit can significantly enhance performance through architectural changes in rendering. Flutter Web primarily supports single-page applications but can also include multiple pages mechanistically through a single index.html. Navigation within Flutter web apps is managed using a Stack data structure, enabling structured path management.

As Flutter evolves, its performance and capabilities are expected to improve, making it a more viable option for web development.

Benefits of Using Flutter for Web Development

Flutter’s numerous benefits for web development make it a popular choice among developers. Its ability to share business logic across platforms, create web applications without heavy reliance on browser technology, and significantly reduce development costs are key advantages.

We will explore these benefits in more detail.

Unified Codebase for Mobile and Web Platforms

A standout feature of Flutter is its single codebase for both mobile and web applications, dramatically reducing development time and costs. This unified approach ensures consistency across platforms, allowing for necessary platform-specific adjustments. For instance, adding web support to an existing mobile app simply requires creating a web directory and pressing the Run button.

This means the effort to build a web version of an existing app is significantly lower compared to starting from scratch. Platform checks and specific adjustments allow developers to tailor web apps to meet unique requirements without compromising core functionalities.

This cross-platform versatility revolutionizes mobile and web development.

Enhanced User Experience with Pre-Designed Widgets

Engaging user interfaces and experiences are crucial for web apps, and Flutter excels with its pre-designed widgets. These widgets are sharp, animated, and visually compelling, ensuring web applications function well and look great. Flutter’s ‘everything is a widget’ philosophy offers high customization, enhancing the overall user experience.

Flutter’s diverse color palette and engaging animations make it easy to craft visually stunning and highly functional user interfaces quickly. Responsive design ensures a consistent experience across various devices. This combination of aesthetics and functionality makes Flutter a powerful tool for web app development.

Cost-Effective Development Process

Flutter for web development is cost-effective, eliminating the need for separate backends and simplifying the development process. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for developing Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), allowing companies to test concepts with minimal investment. Companies like Whirlpool have reported significant reductions in development costs by implementing Flutter.

Quickly developing a fully operational web application, often within weeks, is another significant advantage. The rapid development cycle, combined with cost savings from managing both web and mobile projects with a single team, makes Flutter a compelling choice for businesses looking to optimize their development processes.

Challenges and Limitations of Flutter for Web

While Flutter offers many benefits, challenges, and limitations must be considered for web development. SEO concerns, browser compatibility, and performance issues can impact the effectiveness of Flutter web apps.

We will explore these challenges in detail.

SEO Concerns

A significant challenge of using Flutter for web applications is SEO. Flutter Web content is often rendered as images, making it difficult for search engines to index effectively. This complicates SEO efforts, making it harder for users to find the web app through search engines.

The inability to search or highlight text within Flutter Web apps further diminishes their SEO capabilities. Developers need to consider these trade-offs and explore alternative strategies to improve SEO for their web applications.

Browser Compatibility Issues

Achieving consistent performance across different browsers is another challenge. While Flutter Web works well on browsers like Edge and Chrome, it faces compatibility issues with others. This can impact user experience, as not all users may have access to the recommended browsers.

Ensuring compatibility across multiple platforms and devices is crucial for reaching a broader audience. Developers must thoroughly test their applications and address any browser-specific issues to provide a seamless experience for all users.

Performance Considerations

Performance is critical for any web application, and Flutter Web is no exception. Users may experience delayed interactions with buttons and slow animations, affecting the overall user experience. Preloading assets like images and fonts within the HTML <head> tag can improve loading speeds and responsiveness.

Despite improvements, Flutter Web still faces performance challenges compared to traditional frameworks. Developers need to consider these factors and optimize their applications for a smooth and responsive user experience.

Best Practices for Developing Flutter Web Apps

Maximizing the potential of Flutter for web development requires following best practices to enhance performance, usability, and maintainability.

We will explore some of these best practices in detail.

Leveraging the BLoC Pattern for Code Sharing

The BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern promotes code sharing between Flutter and AngularDart applications. Separating business logic from the UI allows developers to share up to 50% of their codebase between web and mobile applications.

Maximizing code sharing requires building the application based on the BLoC pattern and utilizing the BLoC library supported on both platforms. This approach ensures consistency and efficiency, making it easier to maintain and update the application across platforms.

Optimizing for Different Platforms

Adapting Flutter web applications for various screen sizes requires responsive design techniques to ensure functionality across devices. Responsive design practices are essential for providing a consistent user experience, regardless of the device.

Implementing responsive design ensures Flutter web applications perform well on mobile devices, desktops, and everything in between. This cross-platform optimization is key to reaching a broader audience and providing a seamless experience.

Ensuring Seamless Integration with Web Servers

Managing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers ensures Flutter web apps can communicate with web servers properly. Properly managing CORS headers enables communication between the Flutter web app and external APIs.

For seamless integration, configure web servers to include appropriate CORS headers, allowing requests from the Flutter web application. This is essential for facilitating smooth communication and functionality between the web app and its backend services.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your First Flutter Web App

Building your first Flutter web app is an exciting journey. This step-by-step guide will walk you through setting up your development environment, creating and running your first project, and deploying your Flutter web app.

Let’s dive in!

Setting Up the Development Environment

To begin developing a Flutter web app, ensure your development environment is properly set up with the Flutter SDK and an IDE like Visual Studio Code. Start by installing Flutter and Dart from the official Flutter website. Once Visual Studio Code is installed, configure the Flutter and Dart plugins to enable web development features.

Next, all relevant classes will be relocated to a new directory that is accessible by both mobile and web applications. The pubspec.yaml file is crucial for specifying the necessary dependencies and facilitating the import of shared packages in both web and mobile projects.

Creating and Running Your First Project

Creating a new Flutter project is straightforward. Use the commandflutter create <project_name>’ to generate a new project. For those familiar with AngularDart, the Stagehand tool is also recommended for generating new projects.

Once the project is created, you can begin developing your web app by adding the necessary components and configurations. Running the project involves using commands like ‘flutter run’ to see your application in action.

Deploying Your Flutter Web App

Deploying your Flutter web app involves several steps, including selecting a server, buying a domain name, mounting an SSL certificate, and picking a cloud provider. After launching your web app, it’s essential to track performance, address user requests, and introduce updates to ensure a smooth user experience.

Additionally, be aware of CORS headers, as requests cannot be made to servers that do not allow origin requests from the application’s domain. By following these steps, you can successfully deploy and maintain your Flutter web application.

Real-World Examples of Flutter Web Applications

Various companies like Google, Xiaomi, and Universal Studios have successfully utilized Flutter for their web applications. For example, SNCF Connect developed its platform for French summer sports events using Flutter, demonstrating its versatility. These real-world examples illustrate how Flutter is revolutionizing web development across various industries.

The BLoC architecture pattern is widely supported in the Flutter community and can be used for both mobile and web applications. By sharing approximately half of their codebase between Flutter and AngularDart applications, developers can achieve significant efficiencies.

Moreover, data-providing classes like BLoC, Models, Repositories, and data providers are ideal for sharing between web and mobile applications. These examples highlight how Flutter’s flexibility and efficiency make it a powerful tool for web development.


Mastering Flutter for web development opens up a world of possibilities for creating high-performance, visually stunning web applications with a unified codebase. By understanding the benefits, challenges, and best practices, developers can leverage Flutter’s powerful features to deliver seamless user experiences across mobile and web platforms. As Flutter continues to evolve, its potential for revolutionizing web development grows, making it an essential tool for any developer’s toolkit. Start exploring Flutter today and unlock the full potential of cross-platform development!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main benefits of using Flutter for web development?

Using Flutter for web development provides a unified codebase for both mobile and web platforms, which ultimately reduces development costs while enhancing user experiences through pre-designed widgets. This makes it an efficient choice for developers looking to streamline their workflow.

What are some challenges when using Flutter for web development?

Using Flutter for web development presents challenges like SEO concerns, browser compatibility issues, and performance limitations such as delayed interactions and slower animations. Addressing these issues is crucial for a successful web application.

How can I optimize my Flutter web application for different platforms?

To optimize your Flutter web application for different platforms, implement responsive design practices for various screen sizes and devices, and utilize the BLoC pattern for effective code sharing between mobile and web applications.

What steps are involved in deploying a Flutter web application?

To deploy a Flutter web application, select a server, purchase a domain name, install an SSL certificate, configure CORS headers, and monitor performance after launch. Each step is crucial for ensuring a smooth and secure deployment.

Can you provide examples of companies successfully using Flutter for web development?

Companies such as Google, Xiaomi, and Universal Studios have successfully leveraged Flutter for their web applications, highlighting its versatility and effectiveness in modern web development.

Photo of Kacper Rafalski

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Kacper Rafalski

Kacper is an experienced digital marketing manager with core expertise built around search engine...
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