How to Use Draper Gem in Your Ruby on Rails App
What We Will Use
- Draper gem (
- Decorator Pattern
Decorator Pattern is a design pattern which allows a developer to add an extra functionality to an object or a collection of objects. It is possible as a decorator class wraps a decorated model and deals only with the presentational issues. Also, it allows moving methods which are not related to a model strictly to separated classes make them cleaner. One of the common applications uses it inside the views but can be treated as another layer of abstraction.
Draper works on a model - view line, but the idea of a decorator pattern is not limited by any model or view. It is possible to decorate any class as you like it. -
The Forwardable module provides delegation of specified methods to a designated object using the def delegator and def_delegators methods from the documentation (Forwardable)
IMO the syntax is not clear enough, but - in some situations - it has a huge potential and could be used instead of Draper, being a part of std-lib of ruby which is easily accessible.
Decorate an object as well as a collection of objects.
Draper's methods are not visible in a global scope.
Dividing methods into smaller files.
The complexity of an app increases because we add an extra gem (IMHO it is still worth its price as we receive a cleaner design of an app).
It requires working the activemodel-serialisers-XML which was removed from Rails 5.
As of today (09/05/2016), there are a lot of problems with Rails 5.0-pre.
- Lack of maintainer in the project, which may cause problems in the future, especially when new bugs are found.
How Draper Works
delegate_all or delegate
- delegate_all allows a developer to decorate an object by all methods defined inside the decorator, but it is not always a good approach. In some cases, we would be better off delegating the method with a name which allows a developer to increase a legible of code and there is less metaprogramming.
- delegate_all
Step 1
Add draper gem to Gemfile
Step 2
Add a decorator class to a given class
Use object in order to class an instance of a model which will be decorated using your methods.
Step 3
Do not forget about decorating your class in a controller by invoking decorate method on an instance of a model. Also, you can do it inside a view, but it is not the best approach.
See the example below:
I have decorated items in a presenter, which allows me to do more with a data presentation in the future, but you can decorate an object in a controller.
I think draper gem is mature and allows a developer to write methods which add extra functionality to its data. Actually, one of the biggest problems of draper gem is that it doesn't work with Rails 5 and its team has got a problem with a lack of maintainer.
It is a powerful tool, especially when a developer uses it with the presenter pattern. These two things allow a developer to make thinner controllers and models as well as move the logic to presenting the data in a cleaner way.