Supabase vs. Firebase: Which BaaS is Best for Your App?

Photo of Kacper Rafalski

Kacper Rafalski

Aug 14, 2024 • 10 min read
N19 Content Stream - Tech Insider

Deciding on the perfect backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform for your app can be challenging, especially with top contenders like Supabase and Firebase. Supabase, known for its open-source flexibility with PostgreSQL, and Firebase, backed by Google with a robust NoSQL database, both offer compelling features. In this article, we compare their capabilities, performance, and costs to guide you in making the best choice for your app's success.

Key Takeaways

  • Supabase offers an open-source alternative to Firebase, utilizing PostgreSQL for structured data management and allowing for complex SQL queries, while Firebase provides a NoSQL solution with seamless integration into Google’s ecosystem.
  • Both platforms excel in real-time data capabilities, with Firebase’s Cloud Firestore and Supabase’s Postgres Changes feature facilitating instant updates, making them suitable for collaborative and interactive applications.
  • Pricing models differ, with Firebase utilizing a usage-based structure that may become costly for high-traffic apps, whereas Supabase offers a transparent pricing system with controls like “Spend Cap,” enhancing budget management as projects scale.

Overview of Supabase and Firebase

Supabase and Firebase are powerful BaaS platforms that simplify backend development with features like real-time databases, file storage, authentication, and client SDKs. Understanding their core differences and strengths is crucial when comparing Supabase vs. Firebase.

Supabase is an open-source alternative to Firebase, leveraging PostgreSQL for data management. This gives developers the flexibility of SQL-based queries and local development capabilities. On the other hand, Firebase operates on Google’s robust cloud infrastructure, providing extensive community support and seamless integration with other Google services.

BaaS platforms like Supabase and Firebase accelerate development, simplify infrastructure management, and provide cost-efficient solutions. Each offers unique features, so the choice depends on specific project needs and developer preferences.

Data Storage Solutions

Data storage is critical for any application, and both Supabase and Firebase offer robust solutions. Supabase uses PostgreSQL, a relational database management system known for powerful SQL query capabilities. This enables complex queries and ensures data integrity with a structured schema.

Firebase, on the other hand, uses Cloud Firestore, a real-time NoSQL database designed for continuous data synchronization. Ideal for applications needing frequent updates across clients, Firestore offers flexibility in handling unstructured data but lacks the data integrity and complex querying of relational databases.

Supabase enhances data management with custom functions using PostgreSQL’s PL/pgSQL language, offering additional flexibility. Both platforms provide storage solutions for binary data, but choosing between a relational or NoSQL database will greatly impact data structure and interaction.

Authentication Services

Authentication services are crucial for managing user access. Firebase Authentication is known for easy integration with other Firebase services, offering a range of identity solutions, including social and phone authentication. This seamless integration with Google Cloud services makes Firebase appealing to many developers, particularly in the context of user authentication.

Supabase uses the GoTrue API for authentication, a JWT-based system supporting Row Level Security to ensure secure user management. Supabase’s methods offer flexibility and security and are customizable to specific project needs.

Project needs, integration levels, and security requirements will influence the choice between Firebase and Supabase for authentication. Both provide robust solutions, but ease of use and integration with other backend services often tip the scale.

Real-time Capabilities

Real-time capabilities stand out for both Firebase and Supabase, and they are ideal for applications requiring instant data updates. Firestore, Firebase’s core feature, functions as a real-time NoSQL database designed for seamless data synchronization, crucial for mobile and web applications needing immediate change reflection.

Supabase offers similar real-time capabilities with its Postgres Changes feature, which listens for database changes and updates clients instantly. Additionally, Supabase includes Presence features for tracking user activity, making it suitable for collaborative applications.

Both platforms excel in providing real-time database updates, but the choice depends on specific application needs and preferred database structure. Whether for social apps, collaborative tools, or live updates, both Firebase and Supabase offer robust real-time data synchronization.

Serverless Functions

Serverless functions let developers run backend code without managing servers, supported by both Firebase and Supabase. Firebase offers Cloud Functions, enabling backend logic execution in response to Firebase events or HTTPS requests, particularly beneficial for seamless backend service integration.

Supabase allows developers to write custom functions using PostgreSQL’s PL/pgSQL language and integrates with third-party services like AWS Lambda or Azure Functions for additional serverless capabilities, providing more flexibility in running backend code and leveraging existing infrastructure.

Choosing between Firebase and Supabase for serverless functions depends on your application’s specific needs and desired backend logic control. Both offer robust solutions, but Firebase’s built-in Cloud Functions and Supabase’s third-party service integration cater to different development preferences.

Pricing Models and Scalability

Pricing models and scalability are key considerations when choosing a BaaS platform. Firebase offers a free tier and flexible usage-based pricing, scalable for applications with varying traffic demands. However, high-traffic applications may find Firebase’s pricing model expensive due to charges based on reads, writes, and storage.

Supabase offers a transparent pricing model with a generous free plan and various paid plans to suit different project needs. Features like “Spend Cap” and “Compute Credits” help manage costs effectively, ensuring budget control as your application scales.

While Firebase’s scalability is backed by Google’s robust infrastructure, potential drawbacks include vendor lock-in and limited control over the infrastructure. Supabase’s pricing and scalability options, combined with its open-source nature, provide more flexibility and control.

Customization and Control

Customization and control are crucial for developers needing flexibility in backend infrastructure. Supabase offers greater control and transparency over database interactions compared to Firebase’s more abstracted service model, which is beneficial for developers who prefer SQL-based queries and detailed data management control.

Supabase’s open-source model allows developers to modify and extend the platform as needed, providing options for self-hosting and customization. This level of control is not as readily available in Firebase, which offers a more standardized set of features and services.

Both platforms support custom functions, but Supabase’s use of PL/pgSQL enhances flexibility and customization. The choice between Supabase and Firebase depends on the level of control and customization your project requires.

Community and Ecosystem Support

Community support and ecosystem are significant factors when choosing a BaaS platform. Firebase boasts a larger, more mature community with extensive resources, guides, and support channels. Supported by Google, it offers a wealth of documentation and active user engagement.

Supabase, while newer, is rapidly gaining traction with a growing community and development ecosystem. Its open-source nature encourages developer contributions, enhancing its capabilities and support. Supabase maintains active discussions on platforms like GitHub and offers various examples and guides to assist developers.

The choice between Firebase and Supabase depends on the level of community support and resources needed. Firebase’s mature ecosystem offers extensive support, while Supabase’s growing community provides a collaborative and expanding development environment.

Real-world Use Cases

Real-world use cases offer practical insights into the capabilities of Supabase and Firebase. For example, a founder developed an AI application with Supabase, reaching $1 million in revenue within five months. Another business scaled to 1 million users using Supabase Auth within seven months.

Conversely, Firebase’s real-time databases have been used to create chat functionalities and collaborative tools, demonstrating its robust real-time capabilities. Both platforms have proven successful in various applications, from express delivery services to mortgage brokering, showcasing their scalability, speed, and cost benefits for mobile and web developers.

These use cases highlight the strengths of both platforms in handling complex queries, real-time data synchronization, and user engagement. Choosing between Supabase and Firebase depends on the specific requirements and goals of your project.

Migration Considerations

Migrating from Firebase to Supabase is feasible but involves several steps. To migrate database data, export data from Firestore or Realtime Database and transform it for PostgreSQL using appropriate tools. Migrating files from Firebase Storage to Supabase Storage involves downloading and re-uploading the files.

For authentication services, exporting user accounts from Firebase and importing them into Supabase can be automated with tools like firebase-to-supabase. Adjustments in backend service interactions will be necessary to accommodate the differences between the two platforms.

Supabase’s ease of migration and open-source nature make it a viable option for transitioning from Firebase. Understanding the migration process and potential challenges helps ensure a smooth transition.


Both Supabase and Firebase offer robust BaaS solutions with unique strengths. Supabase excels in customization, control, and SQL-based data management, making it ideal for projects requiring detailed database interactions. Firebase, with its seamless integration with Google services and extensive community support, is perfect for applications needing real-time data synchronization and straightforward authentication.

Ultimately, the choice between Supabase and Firebase will depend on your specific project requirements, budget, and development preferences. By considering the features, pricing, and community support of each platform, you can make an informed decision that best suits your app development needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which platform is better for real-time data synchronization?

Firebase is generally considered better for real-time data synchronization due to its seamless integration for updates through Firestore and Realtime Database. However, Supabase also offers strong capabilities with its Postgres Changes feature, particularly for users needing SQL support.

How do the authentication services of Supabase and Firebase compare?

Supabase's authentication services, powered by the GoTrue API, offer secure user management and Row Level Security, while Firebase Authentication provides a broader array of identity solutions, including social and phone logins with seamless integration into its services. Both platforms have their strengths, so your choice depends on your specific project needs.

What are the pricing models for Supabase and Firebase?

Supabase offers a transparent pricing model with a generous free plan and various paid options that include features for cost management, while Firebase has a free tier but its usage-based pricing can be costly for high-traffic applications.

Can I migrate from Firebase to Supabase easily?

Migrating from Firebase to Supabase is feasible, but it requires exporting and transforming your data for PostgreSQL, along with migrating files and authentication services. Proper planning and the right tools will facilitate a smoother transition.

Which platform offers better community support?

Firebase offers better community support due to its larger, more mature community and extensive resources backed by Google, while Supabase is rapidly growing but still developing its support network.

Photo of Kacper Rafalski

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Kacper Rafalski

Kacper is an experienced digital marketing manager with core expertise built around search engine...
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