Software Development (14)
How Service Objects in Rails Will Help You Design Clean And Maintainable Code
React Native - 4 Top Differences in Development for Android and iOS
From an English Teacher to a Node.js Developer
I'm a Senior Developer. What Now? 10 Tips on Managing a Tech Career
Data Normalization in Frontend Apps Using Normalizr and JSON API Normalizer
Pragmatic iOS Development: The MVA approach
5 Git Commands I Wish I'd Known About When I Started Coding
The ZigBee Protocol
5 Not So Obvious Ways in Which the QA Team Brings Unquestionable Value to Projects at Netguru
End to End Tests on CircleCI with Docker - Rails, Capybara, Selenium
Our Checklist for Expanding an In-House Dev Team
How to eliminate duplicated code in Rspec and Capybara specs