An Integrated Outbound Calling Platform in 18 Days
- Create a plaftorm that frees the client's inside team to do what it does best - sell.
- Design and implement the Call Guide Builder & Question modules.
- Give the single page app a fresh look.
The outbound calling platform easily integrates with existing CRMs and automated marketing tools.
- Make the call guide editor an overlay on the text templates used previously to define the call guides.
- Build a parser that allowed us to present users with a rich interface.
- Utilise HTML5 features like drag & drop to make the entire process more intuitive.
The platform created by Netguru enables sales teams to connect with their most promising opportunities in just one click.
- Remove visual clutter and simplify the GUI to put the focus on the user.
- Making use of colour for UI components to draw the eye to the important content.
- Creating the sleek interface that allows the users to create a call guide exactly the way they want in just a few quick steps.
- 23% increase ROI
- 25 689 monthly visits
- 6 project members
- 145h to finish project