Boosting Subscriber Engagement With Mobile App MVP

How to get magazine readers more loyal
phone displaying Pismo webpage on the screen

Project overview

Netguru came together with a nonprofit magazine to develop a dedicated iOS and Android mobile app as a pro bono project.


Product consulting services
UI/UX design
Mobile development


Kotlin Multiplatform

Independent journalism doesn’t compromise on the quality, depth, and reliability of content. Nor can it compromise on its digital suite.

Here’s how Netguru helped a media project get its stories across and gain subscriber loyalty.


"Pismo. Magazyn opinii" is a unique Polish pro bono media project run by the Pismo Foundation since 2018. With a mission to shape current and future leaders of social, political, and cultural life, the magazine aims to be a role model for independent journalism working for the public purpose.


Netguru is one of the founding partners of Tech To The Rescue (TTTR), an organization that connects NGOs with tech companies to tackle pressing social issues. The Pismo Foundation reached out to TTTR for pro bono support and Netguru jumped right in.

Two phones displaying opened Pismo app on their screens


The foundation wanted to:

  • Attract new subscribers
  • Increase subscriber engagement
  • Reduce churn among subscribers


The best way to build loyalty and boost engagement is through a dedicated mobile app. Netguru was asked to deliver an intuitive, lightweight application for both iOS and Android users.

The app would let the magazine subscribers:

  • read and listen to the articles
  • explore and enjoy podcast originals
  • discover exclusive, subscriber-only content

Two phones displaying Pismo app in use


We provided end-to-end digital product services across:

  • project management
  • business requirements clarification and prioritization
  • UX design
  • cross-platfrom mobile development
  • solution and user testing
  • MVP launch
  • incremental improvements in line with user feedback
  • support, maintenance, and strategic advisory

Our tech choices included Kotlin Multiplatform for smooth and speedy cross-platform development and SwiftUI for iOS interfaces.

"Cooperation with Netguru was a really great experience and it definitely exceeded my expectations. They were able to translate our requirements into a high-quality product whilst maintaining clear and respectful communications and sharing our values," – Marcin Lipiec, Subscription Specialist at Pismo Foundation.

Three phones displaying Pismo app in use on screens


The client received a high-quality end product that performs seamlessly across iOS and Android. Ahead of schedule.

  • The app instantly received very positive feedback from the readers.
  • The product enjoys a 4.5 rating on App Store.
  • In the first month after launch, 30% of the magazine’s subscribers downloaded the app.
  • 30% of subscribers use the app on a regular basis.
  • Users spend 19 minutes in the app, on average, which is almost four times more compared to the desktop version.
  • "Our collaboration with Netguru sets a benchmark for tech pro bono. Their effective project management, responsiveness, and commitment ensured we had steady access to top talent and an MVP delivered ahead of the deadline."
    Piotr Nestorowicz picture.

    Piotr Nestorowicz

    CEO at Pismo Foundation

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