MVP for a flexible and simple healthy food delivery app
The client is a food and beverage company with six chains of restaurants. The team is currently developing the MVP, which includes features such as infrastructure setup, membership, push notifications, menu display, shopping cart, payments, order tracking, and admin panel setup. The team's goal is to deliver a high-quality product that meets the client's needs and exceeds their expectations.

The project is a new venture for the client, aimed at filling a market gap. The kick-off workshop for the project started on October 11, 2022, and since then, the team has been working on developing the first version of the system (MVP), with a strong focus on design and programming.
The MVP includes a range of features such as:
- setting up the infrastructure
- membership
- user accounts
- push notifications
- menu display
- purchasing packages
- shopping cart
- payments
- order tracking
- admin panel setup
The app will be internationalized in multiple languages, making it accessible to a wider audience. Additionally, the team plans to include health app integration, enabling users to track their calorie intake and achieve their health goals.
Our approach to the project
Netguru's team has successfully developed a functioning, attractive, and engaging application focused on healthy food delivery and managing calorie intake. The application is designed to be flexible and simple to use, specifically targeted towards young busy people.
Throughout the development of the MVP, the team focused on two main objectives:
- streamlining the ordering process and subscription purchase
- managing calorie intake to help users keep track of their healthy goals.
The app also includes a range of features such as push notifications, a shopping cart, payments, and order tracking, providing a seamless user experience from start to finish.Mockups generated by AI - do not reflect the project
To meet the increasing demand for healthy food delivery services among young customers, the client successfully launched an app that has been well-received. Users find it easy to use and engaging, and the app's flexibility allows for regular updates and changes to enhance the user experience.
Since its launch, the app has significantly increased the client's revenue, prompting the company to plan for expansion into other markets. The success of the app is a testament to the client's dedication to providing convenient and enjoyable services that meet the needs of its customers.