Pro Publico Bono Activities

modern electric bus urban landscape city

Our work for the public good

Every year Netguru delivers pro or low bono projects (free or at cost) for organizations solving important social and environmental problems in Poland and around the world and supporting the Sustainable Development Goals.
In addition, Netguru provides more than 100 open source code repositories on GitHub.

Projects implemented in 2021 and 2022:

🔋 Need Energy - an intelligent dashboard for a company in Zimbabwe that promotes sustainable energy development in South African countries by tracking energy consumption and predicting future needs for individual and commercial users;

🐓 Design of a subpage for the international organization Sinergia Animal, dedicated to combating irresponsible industrial farming of animals (; Find out more

🤖 A chatbot for volunteers at the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity communication center;

👩‍⚖️ Project Clarin - a joint project with the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) to develop a dataset and artificial intelligence model for detecting abusive clauses, or prohibited contractual provisions that appear in consumer contracts;

🆘 Theforumrazem platform for non-governmental organizations in Poland working to help Ukraine, with the participation of the Polish Humanitarian Action and Ashoka;

🙌 Consulting support for the reorganization of the Ukrainian House in Warsaw - a non-governmental organization that helps refugees from Ukraine in Poland;

📰 A mobile application for the Pismo Foundation - a pro publico bono venture, which publishes the "Pismo. Opinion Magazine"- the first basic version of the product;

🔐 Redesign for, the world's largest non-profit organization and community that develops and publishes software security standards and guidelines.

  • Number of people involved in the above projects
    • in 2021: 16 people;
    • in 2022: 71 people
  • Number of hours worked on the above projects
    • in 2021: 1,129 hours;
    • in 2022: 16,746 hours

Co-founding Tech To The Rescue

Netguru is a co-founder and co-financier of the Tech To The Rescue (TTTR) foundation, established in 2020 in response to the Covid pandemic and the growing need to support the non-governmental sector in digitization.

The TTTR foundation connects non-profit organizations with technology companies willing to support their digital development on pro and low bono terms. In 2022, TTTR already had 1200 companies from 60 countries, and launched 200 cooperation projects between the technology sector and organizations solving social and environmental problems.

Netguru for Ukraine

Six dimensions of assistance provided in response to the war in Ukraine

💛 Assistance in relocation to Poland for Ukrainian colleagues.
💛 Additional paid leave and financial support for Ukrainian colleagues.
💛 Support in finding housing and creating a database of Netguru employee housing.
💙 A monetary donation in support of Ukraine equivalent to the sum of donations from Netguru employees and partners (matching funds).
💙 Implementation of pro bono projects—Tech For Ukraine— to strengthen social organizations helping people fleeing the war in Ukraine.
💙 Free psychological support for all Netguru employees and partners.

help for Ukraine from netguru illustration

Netguru ESG Statement for 2022