Mobile App Accessibility: Mobile Development Explained


Mobile app accessibility is a crucial aspect of mobile development that ensures applications are usable by all individuals, including those with disabilities. It involves designing and developing mobile apps in a way that they can be accessed, understood, and used to the greatest extent possible by all users. This glossary article will delve into the intricacies of mobile app accessibility, its importance in mobile development, and the various strategies and guidelines that developers can follow to create accessible mobile applications.

Understanding mobile app accessibility is not just about recognizing the needs of users with disabilities. It also involves acknowledging and catering to the diverse range of user abilities, preferences, and situations. This includes users who are temporarily disabled due to injury, those with situational limitations like being in a noisy environment, and even users who are aging and experiencing changes in their physical and cognitive abilities. In this glossary article, we will explore all these aspects in detail.

Understanding Mobile App Accessibility

Mobile app accessibility is about making apps usable for everyone, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities. It is a crucial aspect of user-centered design and is integral to the ethical practice of mobile development. When apps are not accessible, they exclude a significant portion of the population from using them, thereby limiting their reach and potential impact.

Mobile app accessibility is not just about compliance with legal requirements. It also makes good business sense. By making apps accessible, developers can reach a wider audience, improve user satisfaction, and potentially increase their market share. Moreover, many of the practices that improve accessibility, such as clear navigation and easy-to-read text, also enhance the overall user experience for all users, not just those with disabilities.

Importance of Mobile App Accessibility

Mobile app accessibility is important for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that apps are usable by all individuals, including those with disabilities. This is not just a matter of social justice and inclusion, but also a legal requirement in many jurisdictions. Failure to make apps accessible can result in legal action and damage to a company's reputation.

Secondly, mobile app accessibility can enhance the user experience for all users. Many of the practices that improve accessibility, such as clear navigation and easy-to-read text, also make apps easier and more enjoyable to use for everyone. This can lead to increased user satisfaction and loyalty, which can in turn lead to increased usage and revenue.

Challenges in Mobile App Accessibility

Despite its importance, achieving mobile app accessibility can be challenging. One of the main challenges is the wide range of disabilities and limitations that need to be considered. These can include visual impairments, hearing impairments, motor impairments, and cognitive impairments, each of which can affect how a user interacts with an app.

Another challenge is the lack of awareness and understanding about accessibility among developers. Many developers are not aware of the need for accessibility, or they may not know how to make their apps accessible. This can result in apps that are difficult or impossible for some users to use.

Strategies for Mobile App Accessibility

There are several strategies that developers can use to make their apps more accessible. These include designing for flexibility, using accessible and semantic HTML, providing alternative text for images, ensuring sufficient color contrast, and providing captions or transcripts for audio and video content.

Designing for flexibility means ensuring that the app can be used in a variety of ways and that it can adapt to the user's needs and preferences. This can involve things like allowing the user to adjust the font size, providing multiple ways to navigate the app, and ensuring that the app works well with assistive technologies like screen readers.

Using Accessible and Semantic HTML

Using accessible and semantic HTML is a key strategy for making apps accessible. Semantic HTML uses specific tags to indicate the type and purpose of content, which can help assistive technologies understand and interpret the content. For example, using the <h1> tag for the main heading, the <h2> tag for subheadings, and the <p> tag for paragraphs can help screen readers understand the structure of the content and navigate it more effectively.

Accessible HTML also involves using ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes to provide additional information about elements that may not be clear from the HTML alone. For example, the aria-label attribute can be used to provide a text description of an element that can be read by screen readers.

Providing Alternative Text for Images

Providing alternative text for images is another important strategy for mobile app accessibility. Alternative text, or alt text, is a short description of an image that can be read by screen readers. It provides context and meaning for users who cannot see the image, allowing them to understand the content and purpose of the image.

Alt text should be concise and descriptive, accurately conveying the content and purpose of the image without being overly detailed or verbose. It should also avoid phrases like "image of" or "picture of," as screen readers will already announce the presence of an image.

Guidelines for Mobile App Accessibility

There are several guidelines and standards that developers can follow to ensure their apps are accessible. These include the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), the Mobile Application Accessibility Guidelines (MAAG), and the guidelines provided by platforms like iOS and Android.

The WCAG are a set of guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to make web content more accessible. They cover a wide range of recommendations for making web content more accessible to people with disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities. While they were originally developed for web content, many of the principles and techniques can also be applied to mobile apps.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

The WCAG are organized around four principles: perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. The perceivable principle states that information and user interface components must be presented in ways that users can perceive. This means that users must be able to perceive the information being presented (it can't be invisible to all of their senses).

The operable principle states that user interface components and navigation must be operable. This means that users must be able to operate the interface (the interface cannot require interaction that a user cannot perform). The understandable principle states that information and the operation of user interface must be understandable. This means that users must be able to understand the information as well as the operation of the user interface (the content or operation cannot be beyond their understanding).

Mobile Application Accessibility Guidelines (MAAG)

The Mobile Application Accessibility Guidelines (MAAG) are a set of guidelines developed specifically for mobile apps. They cover a range of topics, including screen reader compatibility, touch target size, color contrast, and more. The MAAG are a valuable resource for developers looking to make their apps more accessible.

Like the WCAG, the MAAG are organized around four principles: perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. However, they also include additional guidelines specific to mobile apps, such as ensuring that touch targets are large enough to be easily tapped with a finger, and ensuring that apps can be used in both portrait and landscape orientations.

Testing for Mobile App Accessibility

Testing is a crucial part of ensuring mobile app accessibility. It involves checking that the app meets the relevant accessibility guidelines and that it can be used effectively by people with a range of disabilities. Testing should be carried out throughout the development process, not just at the end, and should involve both automated testing tools and manual testing by users.

Automated testing tools can check for common accessibility issues, such as missing alt text or insufficient color contrast. However, they cannot check for all issues, and they cannot provide feedback on the usability of the app. Therefore, manual testing by users, including users with disabilities, is also essential.

Automated Testing Tools

There are several automated testing tools available that can check for common accessibility issues. These include tools like the Accessibility Inspector in Xcode for iOS apps, the Accessibility Scanner for Android apps, and web-based tools like the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool for web apps.

These tools can check for issues like missing alt text, insufficient color contrast, incorrect use of HTML elements, and more. They can provide a useful starting point for identifying accessibility issues, but they should not be relied upon as the sole method of testing.

Manual Testing by Users

Manual testing by users, including users with disabilities, is an essential part of ensuring mobile app accessibility. Users can provide valuable feedback on the usability of the app and can identify issues that automated testing tools may miss.

Manual testing should involve a range of users, including users with different types of disabilities, users of different ages, and users with different levels of technical proficiency. It should also involve testing the app in different situations, such as in a noisy environment or when the user is multitasking.


Mobile app accessibility is a crucial aspect of mobile development that ensures apps are usable by all individuals, including those with disabilities. It involves designing and developing apps in a way that they can be accessed, understood, and used to the greatest extent possible by all users. By understanding and implementing the strategies and guidelines discussed in this glossary article, developers can create mobile apps that are not only more accessible, but also more user-friendly and successful.

While achieving mobile app accessibility can be challenging, the benefits are significant. Accessible apps can reach a wider audience, improve user satisfaction, and potentially increase market share. Moreover, many of the practices that improve accessibility also enhance the overall user experience, making the app more enjoyable to use for all users. Therefore, mobile app accessibility is not just a matter of social justice and inclusion, but also a smart business strategy.