Push Notifications: Mobile Development Explained


Push notifications are a critical aspect of mobile development, serving as a direct line of communication between the application and the user. These notifications, which can be sent at any time, even when the app is not in use, are designed to inform, engage, and retain users by providing timely, relevant information.

From a technical perspective, push notifications are messages that are "pushed" from backend server or application to user interface, such as a mobile application or desktop application. They are widely used in mobile applications to engage users and prompt them to interact with the application. This glossary article will delve into the intricacies of push notifications in the context of mobile development.

Understanding Push Notifications

Push notifications are messages that pop up on a mobile device. They can be sent at any time, and users don't have to be in the app or using their devices to receive them. They can do a lot of things; for example, they can show the latest sports scores, get a user to take an action, such as downloading a coupon, or let a user know about an event, such as a flash sale.

These notifications vary in their nature and can be categorized into different types based on their purpose and content. They can be transactional, alerting users about specific activities related to their accounts, or they can be engagement-oriented, encouraging users to interact with the app. They can also be used for re-targeting purposes, reminding users about the app's presence on their device.

Components of a Push Notification

A typical push notification consists of several key components. The 'title' is the main headline of the notification, while the 'message' or 'body' contains the main content of the notification. The 'icon' is a small image that represents the app or the notification, and the 'sound' is the audio that plays when the notification arrives.

Other optional components include the 'badge', which is a number that appears on the app's icon indicating the number of notifications, and the 'data payload', which is additional data sent along with the notification. The 'action buttons' are buttons that the user can tap to perform specific actions directly from the notification.

Types of Push Notifications

There are several types of push notifications, each serving a different purpose. 'Alert notifications' are used to inform users about important events or situations. 'Badge notifications' are used to indicate the number of unread messages or notifications. 'Sound notifications' play a sound to alert the user. 'Newsstand notifications' are used by newsstand apps to automatically download new issues.

'VoIP notifications' are used by VoIP apps to wake up the app so it can establish a VoIP connection. 'Complication notifications' are used by WatchOS apps to update the app's complications. 'Background notifications' are used to notify the user that new content is available for download if the app is running in the background. 'Push notifications with media attachments' allow you to include audio, video, or image files along with the notification.

How Push Notifications Work

Push notifications work through a system known as a 'push notification service', a real-time messaging service that allows you to send messages directly from your server to the users' devices. It works on the 'publish-subscribe' model. The app 'subscribes' to the push notification service and then 'publishes' the notifications to the users' devices.

The process of sending a push notification can be broken down into several steps. First, the app registers with the operating system for receiving push notifications. The operating system then provides the app with a 'device token'. The app sends this device token to its server. When the server wants to send a push notification, it sends a request to the push notification service along with the device token and the notification payload. The push notification service then sends the notification to the device.

Push Notification Services

There are several push notification services available, each with its own features and capabilities. The most common ones are Apple Push Notification service (APNs) for iOS devices and Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Android devices. Other services include Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), Microsoft Push Notification Service (MPNS), and BlackBerry Push Service.

These services provide a platform for app developers to send push notifications to their users. They handle the delivery of the notifications and provide various features such as targeting specific users, scheduling notifications, and tracking the performance of the notifications.

Device Tokens

Device tokens are unique identifiers assigned by the push notification service to each device. They are used to route the push notifications to the correct devices. When an app registers for push notifications, it receives a device token from the operating system. This token is then sent to the app's server and stored there.

When the server wants to send a push notification, it includes the device token in the request to the push notification service. The service uses this token to identify the device and deliver the notification. It's important to note that device tokens can change, so apps need to re-register for push notifications and update their device token regularly.

Implementing Push Notifications

Implementing push notifications in a mobile app involves several steps. First, the app needs to register for push notifications with the operating system. This involves requesting the user's permission to send push notifications. Once the user grants permission, the app receives a device token from the operating system.

Next, the app needs to send this device token to its server. This can be done using a secure network connection. The server stores this device token and uses it to send push notifications to the device. The server sends a request to the push notification service, including the device token and the notification payload. The service then sends the notification to the device.

Requesting User Permission

Before an app can send push notifications, it must first request the user's permission. This is usually done at the time of the app's installation or during the first launch. The app presents a dialog box to the user, explaining why the app needs to send push notifications and asking for the user's permission.

If the user grants permission, the app can then register for push notifications with the operating system. If the user denies permission, the app cannot send push notifications. It's important for apps to clearly explain why they need to send push notifications and how they will benefit the user, as this can increase the chances of the user granting permission.

Creating the Notification Payload

The notification payload is the data that is sent along with the push notification. It includes the notification message, title, icon, sound, and other optional components. The payload is created by the app's server and sent to the push notification service in the notification request.

The payload can include custom data that the app can use to update its interface or perform specific actions when the notification is received. The payload is usually in JSON format, and its size is limited by the push notification service. For example, APNs allows a maximum payload size of 4KB, while FCM allows a maximum size of 4KB for notification payloads and 4KB for data payloads.

Benefits of Push Notifications

Push notifications offer several benefits for mobile apps. They can increase user engagement by providing timely, relevant information. They can drive users to take specific actions, such as making a purchase or completing a task. They can also improve user retention by reminding users about the app and encouraging them to use it regularly.

Furthermore, push notifications can provide a direct line of communication with users. They can be used to deliver important messages, updates, and offers. They can also be used to personalize the user experience by delivering content based on the user's interests and behavior.

Increasing User Engagement

One of the main benefits of push notifications is their ability to increase user engagement. By providing timely, relevant information, push notifications can prompt users to open the app and interact with it. This can lead to increased usage of the app and higher user engagement.

For example, a news app can send push notifications about breaking news stories. A game app can send notifications about new levels or challenges. A retail app can send notifications about sales or special offers. By providing content that is of interest to the user, push notifications can drive users to engage with the app.

Improving User Retention

Push notifications can also improve user retention. By reminding users about the app and providing valuable content, push notifications can encourage users to return to the app and use it regularly. This can lead to higher user retention rates, which are crucial for the success of any app.

For example, a fitness app can send push notifications reminding users about their workout schedule. A language learning app can send notifications about daily lessons or quizzes. By providing reminders and valuable content, push notifications can help keep the app top of mind for users and encourage regular use.

Best Practices for Using Push Notifications

While push notifications can be a powerful tool for engaging users, they must be used wisely to avoid annoying users and causing them to uninstall the app. Here are some best practices for using push notifications effectively.

Firstly, it's important to send notifications that are relevant and valuable to the user. This can be achieved by personalizing the notifications based on the user's interests and behavior. Secondly, the notifications should be timely. They should be sent at times when the user is most likely to be receptive to them. Lastly, the frequency of the notifications should be balanced. Sending too many notifications can annoy users, while sending too few can cause users to forget about the app.

Personalizing Notifications

Personalizing push notifications can greatly increase their effectiveness. By tailoring the notifications to the user's interests and behavior, you can increase the chances of the user engaging with the notification and the app.

For example, a music app can send notifications about new songs or albums from the user's favorite artists. A sports app can send notifications about the user's favorite teams or matches. By providing content that is relevant to the user, personalized notifications can drive higher engagement and retention rates.

Timing Notifications

The timing of push notifications is crucial. Notifications should be sent at times when the user is most likely to be receptive to them. This can vary depending on the nature of the app and the user's behavior.

For example, a news app might send notifications in the morning when users are catching up on the news. A fitness app might send notifications in the evening when users are planning their workout for the next day. By timing notifications correctly, you can increase their effectiveness and avoid disturbing users at inconvenient times.

Balancing Notification Frequency

The frequency of push notifications is a delicate balance. Sending too many notifications can annoy users and cause them to turn off notifications or uninstall the app. On the other hand, sending too few notifications can cause users to forget about the app.

It's important to find the right balance based on the nature of the app and the user's preferences. Some users might appreciate frequent updates, while others might prefer less frequent notifications. Providing users with the option to customize the frequency and types of notifications they receive can help achieve this balance.


Push notifications are a powerful tool for mobile app developers. They provide a direct line of communication with users, allowing apps to deliver timely, relevant information and engage users effectively. However, they must be used wisely to avoid annoying users and causing them to uninstall the app.

By understanding how push notifications work, implementing them correctly, and following best practices, app developers can leverage push notifications to increase user engagement, improve user retention, and ultimately drive the success of their app.