man working on his laptop sitting on a sofa in the office

Design Brief Newsletter by Netguru

A monthly selection of inspiring content about product design.
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  • Stay up-to-date with news from the UX/UI world,
  • Learn how to effectively leverage design tools and apps,
  • Find inspiration for your design work.

Why to sign up:

What's in it for you?
  • Useful information. Product design is a crucial element of successful product development.
  • Expert comments. Netguru product design team has extensive UX and UI experience.
  • Strong community. Netguru is an active member of the design community and its works are well-recognised on Behance and Dribbble.
  • By delivering Design Brief straight to your inbox, we aim to keep you up to date with the latest industry news, trends, and designs worthy of your attention. My goal is to make this content serve as a virtual place where designers can enter into discussion, exchange opinions or ideas, and join our community of over 1,500 design experts.
    Bartek Bialek photo

    Bartek Białek

    Design Manager

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man working with a laptop

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