12 Product design (UX, UI, Illustration), Start-up, Ruby on Rails case studies

fundco app layout

Creating an Advanced Comparison Tool to Monitor Investment Funds

Poppy app interface

Upgrading a Web App for Parents Looking For Childcare

Raqib app case study layout

Mobile-First Design and Engineering for a Kuwaiti Non-Profit


UX and Website Development for a Community Startup

innstyle app interface

Creation of Booking System SaaS Product From Scratch

Taqsim website illustration

Rapid Development of MVP App for Music Sampling

the know app interface

MVP of a Hotel Review Web App


Building a Scalable Multi-Language E-Learning Platform

web mobile illustration

Building an Accountancy, Taxation, and Invoicing Platform for SMEs

Foodetective header-1

Design and Development of a Restaurant Management App and a Recommendation Platform

sunrise (1)

Digital Upgrade to Fight Climate Change and Economic Inequality

Odin Header

Talent Development Solution Audit, Refactor, and Design Overhaul

Beautiful code and innovative design translated into tangible results

Over the years we’ve created a unique process that delivers exceptional results with blazing-fast efficiency.

  • 21%

    Conversion increase with product design services for a leading real estate marketplace
  • 2x

    Faster invoice approval process - cut down from 4 days to 2
  • €1000

    Increase in average sale price per new VW car
  • 97%

    Increase in monthly number of orders for a quick commerce company

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